Michelle FleurJul 25, 2017Unexpected moments...Today I walked along windswept beaches strewn with debris from the ocean floor. Weed and sponges, urchins and jelly-like organisms...
Michelle FleurJul 12, 2017Whales for a Wild WorldSince finishing the 200 Whales Project last year I have felt that I needed something else to balance out the love received/love given...
Michelle FleurJun 23, 2017Under the Sea!I'm moving back to Queensland in 4 and a half months. I have mixed feeling about it. On the one hand I'll be happy to get back to my...
Michelle FleurJun 20, 2017Augusta Humpies!On June 4 I celebrated my 40th birthday the best way I know how - on the water with a bunch of big, beautiful, rambunctious humpback...
Michelle FleurMay 28, 2017MetamorphosisMy favourite thing to do on any given day is to get outside and explore the natural world. More and more my heart craves nature time and...