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New Year, New Yearnings...

Writer: Michelle FleurMichelle Fleur

It's 2019. Yep, another year has folded itself into the pages of history and 2019 has us in its vice. Time shatters every illusion of control I have in me. I can't believe we are 19 years into the 2000's! I remember what a big deal it was to leave the 1900's behind, how excited and a bit crazy the world was. There were a whole lot of people who thought we'd see the end times, that armageddon was a comin' to get us, but the earth is still turning 19 years later and we're still doing what we've always done. I wonder if we'll see some end-time prophecies pop up as we head for 2020 - it seems like the kind of number that would encourage such things.

So, yes, we find ourselves in a fresh new year and perhaps there are some of you who have fresh new dreams and plans for the 12 months ahead. I know that I do! I dream mostly of finding a sense of ease in the world and of becoming a better earth citizen. I want to find ways of living more harmoniously with the earth by integrating new behaviours and habits into my life. I want to let go of behaviours and habits that no longer serve me or anybody else. I want to be able to walk in the world feeling good about my place in it and I want to have confidence that I am a good, kind human being. Not asking much am I? Perhaps these are the things that we all yearn for?

I spent much of 2018 reflecting on my work and trying to come to terms with being a marine artist who lives in the hills far from the sea! Well, when I say far, it's only an hours drive away, but after spending 2 years within walking distance of the water it feels so, so far. Moving back to these hills was a difficult adjustment for me, but I have found my peace here now and the motivation to explore the world beneath the waves through my art has returned. My studio walls are filled with creative ocean-inspired works from artists all over the world and it brings me such joy and inspiration every single day. And we regularly make trips to the coast so that I can fill up on saltwater time. Lucky I have a partner who loves the sea as much as I do!

What are my plans for 2019 in the studio? This year I am allowing my practice to flow more freely - I want to make this year about experimentation by testing new concepts and exploring new ways of working. I will be seeking out new ways of disseminating my work and I am going to change the way I sell my work by finding more eco-friendly and economical ways of getting it out into the world. Due to the rising costs of postage and the waste associated with packaging I am seriously considering making all of my prints into digital downloads. This would be a huge change for me. I like the control I have in ensuring quality by printing my own pieces but I really feel that I need to walk my talk and put the environment above my own desires as a creative. So stay tuned to see if that pans out...

Finally, I want to write more this year. Before social media changed the landscape of our lives I used to write all of the time. I kept a blog for many years, and before blogs I used to write in a paper journal. Instagram tends to value images over words and facebook tends to be filled with so much surface noise that anything deeper than fluff or subtler than a shout gets drowned out. But words are important. They help us negotiate life's complex maze of roads and bring clarity to muddled thoughts. So this year I want to start a weekly writing practice. I want to give my thoughts form.

Well, if you've clicked over to my blog and read this far I thank you! What are your plans for the year ahead? Have you considered what you'd like to see manifest in 2019? I'd love to hear your own dreams and goals! Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you have a magical, mystical, wonderful, adventure-filled time of it!

Be well my salty friends. xoxoxox

P.S. Here are some pictures from our recent New Year's adventure to the northern New South Whales coast. 💙

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