Well I'm back in making mode, finally. Things got off to a rocky start but I've returned to daily pottering with paints and pencils and it feels really good to be flexing the creative muscles again. I've no idea what I'm doing and feel rather directionless but I'm trying to be gentle and allow myself to find focus in good time. I've had to delete social media apps from my phone to find some sense of discipline - I find them so damn distracting! Instagram also influences me too much visually. It's like it provides too much inspiration and I become overloaded with everyone else's ideas. In this new phase of life I want to focus on creating larger, more complex works that I can sink my teeth into. I want to explore my relationship to the world in new ways and go deeper into the ideas behind my work. I feel like I've spent the past five years learning and improving my skills and now I want to use these skills more intentionally in order to create works that express more thoroughly the things that lurk in the depths of my imagination.
Writing is becoming a more integral part of my practice. I feel better when I write, even if it's just a few words. My journal has been of great comfort to me the past few weeks and it's becoming a central part of my daily practice to spend some time marking its pages. It's such a beautiful, meaningful form of reflection. And I love looking back on past pages to see how far (or how little) I have come. I keep thinking that I would love to write something more substantial, like a book, one day, but I can never decide on an idea or a theme. It would have to be something about the power and purpose of creativity I think. When I look back on my life creativity has been the dominant theme and it's the only thing I seem to know a bit about!
Today I am going to map out and start a new soft sculpture. I have had this idea to create a cormorant sculpture for many many weeks now and it keeps popping into my mind but I haven't yet found the motivation to start. Well, today is the day for cutting and stitching and making a mess out of fabric scraps and loose threads. I suppose I'd best get started!
Big love. xx