There's a magical island off the coast of Meanjin (Brisbane) just a short ferry ride away from the mainland. Its name is Minjerribah, commonly and affectionately referred to as 'Straddie' by Brisbane locals. We often talk of visiting Straddie and yet we rarely do. Life has a way of rolling by so quickly and it's easy to get distracted by other things, and dazzled by seemingly more exotic, far away destinations. Covid restrictions have brought into focus the beautiful places that we often overlook closer to home. Recently we spent a week on Minjerribah immersing ourselves in its natural wonders and getting a good dose of rest and recreation. We went on long rambling walks every day, swam in the sea, explored beaches and rockpools and spotted an abundance of wildlife. I kept a holiday journal the whole time we were there and recorded the creatures we saw each day in ink. I'll share that journal in a seperate post soon, as I'm about to inundate this one with a lot of photos! Everywhere I turned there was another beautiful vista or interesting natural wonder to capture with my camera. It turned out to be an incredibly inspiring trip.💙
I mean, get a load of this....

Aaaah, take me back! Haha, no doubt we will return soon! There's just something so wonderful about visiting such a pristine place that hasn't been overdeveloped or tarnished by the cult of consumerism. On Minjerribah nature is the main attraction and it is beautiful, thrilling and largely untouched, thanks to the work and care of the Quandamooka people. I feel blessed that we are able to visit and share in the magnificence of this special place.